Friday 22 November 2019

Dceased #1 RE:VIEW

So DC decided to go there by going full zombie! The lowdown is that Cyborg is captured, tortured and turned into a cyber virus that unleashes into the world turning people into mindless zombies.
The narrative follows Batman through the whole first issue which is very befitting with the themes of the issue (monsters and all). A conversation could be started about the monsters in all of us. The placements of the speech boxes and stylings are used beautifully in conjunction with the characters and surroundings in quickly being able to identify characters, situations and locations.
The story flows really quickly as I imagine anyone is as excited to see a fully-fledged zombie apocalypse writhe before their eyes. It starts off with the why this came about, then the how it came about and finally the fruit of the labour. This is masterfully written in I guess in a very short amount of pages. 

The transitioning of art styles seems seamless and strings together the three arcs of the stories together. Double snaps to comic book art versatility and had to do a double-take when the art styling changed (not that it's not been done but I found it unexpected and don't ask me why). The three artists worked on the comics and it all works with the storyline and setting, especially I found with the Apokoplis scene.
Of course, they had to do the dirty to the man of the hour on the very last page. The final act of the issue is quite the main course with Batman witnessing the catastrophe unfold before his eyes. It was actually a treat to see his tech wizardry at work to fry the electronics in his mansion (read the comic yourself to find out why as it's fresh with the last issue just recently come out).

Subscribe: Yes

It started off beautifully so I'm definitely going to pick up the rest of the issue!

Comic Book: Dceased #1 Halloween ComicFest edition publ. October 2019 (org. date July 2019)
Tom Taylor - writer
Trevor Hairsine, Stefano Gaudiano & James Harren - artists
Rain Beredo - Colorist
Saida Temofonte - Letterer
Greg Capullo & FCO Plascenia - cover artists

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