Monday 23 November 2020

True Believers: X-Men - Moira McTaggert #1 (re:view)

Welcome to a whole new adventure with... a comic for your dollar! This time I'm bringing you some Shatterer of Souls realness with a N'Garai takeover. Let's dive in!

This feels like a hobnob of bizarro things that happen in the issue with Cyclops yet again needing to desperately see a therapist who is conflicted with emotions after having lost one of his friends. It was a real opportunity to keep it rooted but of course, it's never that easy in the X-Men world when he releases the Kraken that is Kierrok, the Shatterer of Souls. It makes the conflict of emotions for Cyclops feel more like an afterthought. I mean I just don't understand how the rest of the X-Men could overlook his constant strong emotions which probably shaped him up to be such a buttock during the Avengers versus X-Men stint. 

Kierrok sees to remind me of the Brood which was a nefarious adversary to the X-Men but Kierrok seems more mystic than extra-terrestrial that leapt off the pages of Captain Britain. Gives as good as it fights with being able to physically take them down as well as being able to give that deep cutting speech to mentally bring down its adversary which makes for quite the cocktail of a mix. 

The MVP goes to Storm who despite her many attempts to bring Kierrok down to no avail was able to overcome her fears of her past and claustrophobia in bringing down Kierrok. Get it, girl!

Everyone in the issue seems to be getting eyebrow tips from Prof. X as they all seemed arched. Must be a secret competition in who could get the archiest of all the archiest eyebrow.  I much prefer Storm's thin eyebrows which shoot for the skies. I guess that the style of the artist like Rob Liefield's big pecs superheroes. 

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It shattered my soul

True Believers: X-Men - Moira McTaggert #1 (reprint of X-Men #96)
Chris Claremont - author
Dave Cockrum - artist
Sam Grainger - inker
Dave Hunt - letterer
Phil Rachelson - colourist
Marv Wolfman - editor

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