Friday 12 June 2020

True Believers: X-Men - Betsy Braddock #1 (re:view)

Welcome to a whole new adventure with... a comic for your dollar! This time I'm bringing you SLAY realness as nefarious villain throw some shady illusions at Betsy to take on her brother Captain Britain. Let's dive in! 
I actually own the first two volumes of Captain Britain so this is somewhat of familiar grounds to me. The story itself starts straight off the bat into action along London's Regent Street as the Cap takes down some no-dogooders with assistance lady cop friend. I love how offbeat it seems to have this futuristic car scaling up the buildings of Regent Street but I'm living for it. 

Love that the settings are so closer to home as it moves to the South Bank where we find Brian's date interrupted by his sister and then ummm... things escalate real quick. I love how things just jump from one calm walk down the South Bank and bam! A plane crash!

The art style is beautifully drawn with the backdrops minimal at best but brings the subject more in focus such as the entrance of Dr Synne or even the walk on the snowy grounds of the South Bank. The monster illusions brought up by Dr Synne is beautifully drawn giving a frightening depth to them especially when Brian envisions what resemble hells and it's dwellers. 

Can't miss this out as Brian has a Jen Walters/She-Hulk moment:
The contrast between when Brian is hit with the illusions and slowly succumbing to it is shown in his body language and the coloured background design which is a beautiful detail to have added in.

The character of Dr Synne is really fun to watch as he randomly pops up and wrecks havoc on the Braddocks. Love his seemingly illusionary powers as he shoots these trance laser from his eyes as well as taunts Brian at every show interval. 

Love how Brian seems to have adopted the powers of a millisecond thought as Betsy hurtles towards him with an axe (she really her brothers a good run for their money with it): 
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Brian and I are on a first-name basis.

True Believers: X-Men - Betsy Braddock #1 (originally printed as Captain Britain volume 1 #8 - 10)
Chris Claremont - writer
Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida - artists
Irving Watanabe - letterer
George Roussos - colourist
Larry Lieber - editor

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