Wednesday 3 June 2020

True Believers: X-Men - Jubilee #1 (re:view)

Welcome to a whole new adventure with... a comic for your dollar! The X-women need a much-needed break from superheroing to week and untuck but it doesn't go accordingly to plan as they take on the M Squad. Hun, let's dive in!
Right off the bat, we're introduced to the illustrious Jubilee and girl, she wanna have fun and fun she is! The introduction is quite - ummm - explosive with her doing leaps and bounds with some sparkles thrown here and there to the haters when she was giving slaying in the mall. I feel like the X-Men really does need a fun character to add to the dynamic to shake things up (it's a shame where the character has been taken now). And that's where we shift to the X-Men where the X-women need that much-needed fun themselves and takes themselves to the very same mall. This is actually reminiscent of an episode I watched in the X-Men animated series where they just take a break (which doesn't always go accordingly to plan, of course. Can they ever really take a break?).
The other standout characters for me are Dazzler who single-handedly brings "girls, they wanna have fun" vibes and bringing Storm out of her shell with none other than a stripper! Get it, girl! Rogue's character is further explored which is fun to watch as the persona that she absorbed from Ms Marvel comes out to play which I've never seen before. I've seen Rogue pretty much lose it with the number of different powers she's absorbed but I've never seen her lose control to giving a different character her due. Storm makes an interesting comment which I find rings true is that for every action there is always a consequence. This is such a nice moral to have to the story.
The M Squad - OMG! Who called the discount Ghostbusters? It reminds me when Storm actually had a lit-ter-ral lightsaber battle with Calisto in the X-Men animated series. The Squad even comes with a mutant containment grid which uses what resembles photon beams. They're quite fun and of course there to give the issue more of that comedic respite. I wonder if they ever make another appearance in the Marvel continuum. 

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Girls, they wanna have fu-un!

True Believers: X-Men - Jubilee #1 (originally printed as Uncanny X-Men volume 1 #244)
Chris Claremond - writer
Marc Silvestri - penciler
Dan Green - inker
Glynis Oliver - colourist
Tom Orzechowski - letterer
Bob Harras - editor
Tom DeFalco - Mall manager

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