Showing posts with label Pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pride. Show all posts

Monday 20 July 2015

Instagram May and June 2015

Second instalment of pictures from my Instagram covers pictures of May and June (planning to do it monthly - promise!).

A photo posted by The Vinh Hoang (@thevh5) on
The Blue Bridge (subtlety titled) can be found at St James's Park. It was quite a trek getting to the park and I came out of St James's Park Station but I wouldn't put it down as the nearest tube station to the park I found. Anyway, the bridge itself is a great location for great views of the surrounding areas with views of Buckingham Palace on once side and Horse Guard's Parade on the other. Great views of the Tiffany Fountain with these illustrious water streams blooming out of the water as well.
A photo posted by The Vinh Hoang (@thevh5) on
I took this picture in 2013 of the White Cube Gallery in Bermondsey. The design of the White Cube Gallery  plays on symmetry, minimalism and lighting creating an expanse space with more focus on the artworks in their exhibitions. It is a real beauty to behold and is one of the most tranquil galleries I've been to.
A photo posted by The Vinh Hoang (@thevh5) on
A snapshot of the concert of Pride London in Trafalgar. Extremely tiring work but very worthwhile to see an event that brings every together to celebrate the inclusivity of a community.

A photo posted by The Vinh Hoang (@thevh5) on
The Burlington Gardens Festival is part of the Brown's London Art Weekend and had a myriad of interactive activities and artworks on display.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Pride London 2015

London Pride took place this year on Saturday 27 June 2015 with both the parade and concert starting at 1pm. Organised by Pride in London, this year’s theme is Pride Heroes which celebrates individuals and organisations “who’ve contributed to LGBT+ rights over the years”.

I would have to say my Pride Hero is Lady Gaga and not because she has such lovely ways with her words and support for the LGBT community, but her boundless love she has for everyone. Her Born This Way was released in 2011 and it gave me enough strength to come out to my friends and family.

My volunteering experience for this year’s Pride wasn’t really on par as the previous 2 years I volunteered for Pride in London, which I sense was because of the wrong sense of direction partly due to being short on stewards. Good thing about Pride in London is that they listen to their volunteers so I will definitely be voicing my feedback. Nonetheless, I had a lot of fun with fellow stewards in the team with lots of freebies and group photos on the way.
Packs donated to Pride in London volunteers were put together by Tesco consisting of food, water and summer essentials such as wipes, sun cream and rain poncho (thrown in for good measures after last year’s poncho gate). Baristas at Starbucks were put into overdrive as volunteers flocked to the nearest Starbucks for their free drinks and I, for one, really appreciate it.

The arrangements for the flags in the parade were re-arranged in light of recent events in USA which saw a Supreme Court ruling allowing all gay and lesbian couples the right to get married across all the states. They are joined by Ireland which too in light of recent events saw votes in legalising gay marriage. The love can be felt in Trafalgar Square where the concert were taking place where many artists were taking the stage to voice their happiness of the USA’s ruling.
The spirit of Pride doesn't end there, you can find other information on the website where you can also find out information on how to volunteer.

Friday 8 August 2014

The Big Volunteer THANK YOU Party

The Big Volunteer THANK YOU party is for all the Pride in London volunteers. It was held on Saturday 12th July 2014 starting from 18:00 to 22:00 at the Two Brewers in Clapham.
I entered the main lounge and initially thought “where the party at?” and I’m sure I wasn’t the first to think that. After being pointed to the right direction, I crossed the threshold into a dingy underground illuminated by limited dim lighting skirting around the edges of the room with the main stage being lit.
The evening started with a chance to mingle with the other volunteers. Spoke to a few people there: a couple on the parade route, a groupie at the Trafalgar Square and an electrician. They all had amazing Pride experience stories to share and the electrician had stunning pictures.
The evening was home to two drag acts who belted out hit after hit with humour that added that dazzle of glitter on the evening. The evening ended with the prize draw with a lot of the tickets a miss with the people having already left. It was vouchers galore and runner ups were given Pride in London t-shirts. It ended with music dancing into the nights.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Pride in London 2014

Pride London 2014 was a quite a blast being Pride in London’s second year organising it. The running theme this year was “Freedom To...”
Meeting point for Pride volunteers was Metropolitan University where everyone was provided with a bag of food and goodies donated by Tesco and a drawstring bag donated by Citibank. Each volunteer was given a pink Pride volunteer wristband to show to participating shops along the parade route for free refreshments and discounts.
Split into groups, everyone made their way to the designated areas of their post. Once on site, we were orientated about the whereabouts of everything and a chance to get to know the group.
As it progressed on to the 12pm touching point, we were then suddenly greeted by heavy rain which had me completely waterlogged from head to toe. For the whole day, I did not manage to dry off but it definitely did not dampen any spirits as the atmosphere kept the love alive.
Got complimented for looking good with a “flag” around my head, got mistaken for “Bart Stewart” (still have no idea who he is... anyone please enlighten me!) and taking random selfies with pride goers were the many things that came out during my day at Pride. Bumped into a load of people I knew and having seen for some time. It’s so wonderful how Pride can bring everyone together – a celebration of the individual and community.
This year had a stellar cast of performers on stage with the 80’s making a grand comeback from the likes of Sam Fox and Sinitta. Sir Ian McKellen came on much to the applause of everyone. He then introduced Conchita who was the headline act for this year and I can pretty much say that received the hugest applause of the day. Conchita performed That’s What I Am and Rise Like A Phoenix.
Pride was amazing and I had a chance to meet so many amazing people. It’s why I will always keep coming back year after year and it will never grow old for me. Drinks up for Pride in London 2015!

Friday 1 August 2014

Pride Volunteering Fair 2014

The Pride Volunteering Fair is an official Pride event organised by The List. This year it was held at Hogan Lovells International LLP who also provided the drinks for the evening. Held on Monday 23rd June 2014 from 18:00 to 22:00.
Upon arrival, there was a chance to enter a draw to get on the official Pride in London’s mega bus during Pride. All that was required was to drop a business card into the draw cup and the draw would be announced later on.
The event was an opportunity to find out about different LGBT and related charities as well as a chance to chat to other attendees. Views from the venue looked out upon Smithfield on the reception floor with an adjoining terrace balcony connecting the main room where the event was held.
Charities there included:
·         Broken Rainbow
·         National Aids Trust
·         Stonewall
·         Prostate Cancer UK
·         Army LGBT Forum
·         Diversity Role Models
·         Pride in London
·         LGBT Humanists UK
·         MildMay
·         NAZ Project London
·         Positive East London
·         So So Gay Magazine
There was a table reserved for Stonewall Housing but they were not able to make it. There were different organisations ranging from domestic violence to HIV to prostate cancer. There were opportunities to sign up to their mailing list for upcoming available volunteer positions. With the exception of Army LGBT Forum and So So Magazine, you’re able to find out how to volunteer with the organisations through their respective website.